I've been missing posting on this profile this week. My sweet medically fragile daughter has been in the hospital -- again. She's okay at the moment, but we had a couple scary days. My mind has been taken to a time a couple of years ago when I was wracked with torment in the hospital with her. I needed to know from my Heavenly Father why He was allowing her to suffer. After many nights on my knees, many tearful pleas, and much silent pondering, I was given an answer to my heart. During prayer, I was told to lift my eyes. I thought it was a figurative answer, and perhaps that was part of it. But I literally lifted my eyes as I remained in praying position. I saw my own reflection in the window. There I was in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon, having set all cares of the world aside, besides the care of my sweet child, and I was talking to my Heavenly Father. I was turning to Christ for help. I was depending on them. My family and friends were doing these things a little more as well, in support of us. And it was spoken to my heart that there IS purpose in her suffering and to be grateful for it and through it. And so that's what I have tried to do since then. I'm certainly not perfect at it, but I strive constantly to thank Heavenly Father that I get to be her mom, that we get to have these experiences, to trust His plan for her, for me, and for our family. I don't always understand every part of that plan, but knowing it is an eternal plan is what matters. And as I use my agency to choose gratitude, I am able to experience joy every step of the way. Not lighthearted cheer, but enduring, trusting joy. .

His hand is in your life. He has a plan. He has a way. The way is always through and with Christ and only possible because of Christ. Your faith in Him will be refined in your adversity if you choose to turn to Him because choosing Christ means choosing to witness His love and His miracles.