I love the example of faith and miracles the Savior provided with feeding the multitude loaves and fishes. Before today I had never paid much attention to the pattern given. Others pointed out their lack, but Christ prayerfully expressed gratitude to God for what they had. ➡️➡️The result was a miracle.⬅️⬅️
Notice also that it was a miracle not just for Him... He shared what He was given and MANY others were blessed because of HIS act of faith. He showed us the way then said, “Come, follow me.” “Go, and do thou likewise.” God knows what you lack, but the Savior has shown to focus instead on all that you have. God will take that and multiply it.
You will be given “BASKETS FULL” of blessings, MORE than you need or even could have hoped for. And because you experienced a lack of something, you will recognize and have compassion on those who are needing what you’ve been given. This is not just about material things. As you are in need of comfort, peace, forgiveness, or any other gift of a spiritual nature, when it comes you will have an opportunity. You can look around and notice those who are lacking what you’ve now been given in abundance. Through your blessing, you will have a desire and ability to share even intangible gifts. Please know I am not posting this because I’ve perfected this practice. I’ve really been missing the mark lately. But during sacrament today the spirit tutored and reminded me of the profound miracles I have experienced many times in my life because of practicing and cultivating habits of gratitude. I think it’s important to understand Heavenly Father is not withholding things until we get this exactly right. This is a universal law. Feeling and expressing gratitude fills us with light ~ and light attracts light or put another way.. light multiplies like the loaves and fishes! MANY times God is able to mercifully provide blessings despite our imperfect understanding and application of this law through the atonement of Jesus Christ, because HE has fulfilled all that is necessary. He has an abundance of light and He shares it! It is in and through all things! Ultimately, HE is the blessing. HE is the miracle. (See also John 6:11 & Mark 8:6.)