As we have been invited to come unto Christ and build the kingdom, one of the most important things we can seek is unity.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed 😉😆, but there are so many things to divide us. Unity might seem too far out of reach. Yet for those pursuing Zion, unity is the commandment and goal.
I’ve been pondering and trying to implement this in my life and I have finally figured it out. It is simply not possible for me to create unity.
So insightful, right? You're welcome. Haha, but seriously stay with me...
What IS possible is for me to do is try my best to be like Christ and plead for Him to bestow His charity upon me, to change my heart, to change ME!!! And through that process I am humbled. I am enlightened with what others might need or what they want to know or what I have misunderstood and how I have been wrong. So I’m an active participant, but... the unity we seek comes from Jesus Christ to those who fall down before Him and receive His gifts.
We can be pioneers, but He is the one who will heal hearts, provide perspective, and unite us in our uniqueness.
This pioneer trail is an epic trek, a crucial time in eternity and you were selected and entrusted to rely on Christ, to hold fast to Him, to accomplish the monumental tasks at hand. Don’t let your mind be tricked into thinking it’s not possible or your involvement doesn’t matter. You are a chosen child of God, He has faith in you, you are wanted and needed.
We cannot be one without EVERY ONE.
That’s YOU and that’s EVERY SINGLE PERSON in your sphere of influence. So smile and lift and listen and share and pray for help. Shift your focus from problems to solutions. Every moment you have a chance to choose Christ and help accomplish His purposes.
