I routinely take morning walks around temple square. (It's a great way to start the day... I recommend it!) This morning I was feeling discouraged about a weakness I'm trying to overcome and was really contemplating that on my walk.

I took the small picture on the left at 7:40 am. I was thinking how my body is a temple and because of my weakness, when I looked at that shadow I couldn't help but laugh at how symbolic it was. I continued my walk, focusing mostly on my "shadow" and feeling generally down on myself. I took the second photo at 8:00 am. I didn't even realize it until I looked at the picture later when I was home that...
The sun had come and the shadow was gone.
Not only is the shadow gone, but look how bright the temple is, even reflecting the light of the sun!!
This was an object lesson that seemed to be from Heavenly Father and was communicated by the Holy Ghost straight to my heart!! I was letting one little imperfection and worldly shadow change the way I viewed and valued myself. If I will be patient with myself in my effort to draw near to Christ, He, the Son, will draw near to me and overcome all the worldly shadows. He will shine a light on the truth of who I am.
My divine nature and infinite worth will NEVER change because of this shadow. If I shift my focus to the Light of the world, I can have hope. I can stand tall during the process and have faith that one day He will help me shine bright!
YOUR divine nature and infinite worth will NEVER change because of ANY shadow. Shift your focus to the Light of the world and have hope! Stand tall during the process and have faith that one day He will help YOU shine bright!
Trust in the power of the Son, the Light of the world.