This quote from President Nelson at his daughter’s funeral is worth pondering.

To truly gain an eternal perspective, I believe, is one of the most profoundly impactful pathways to peace and joy.
Time is linear, but is encircled by eternity. Our time on earth is a tiny dot enfolded in the truths and promises of eternity.
We were provided a Savior. We were given saving ordinances. Sacred covenants affect those on both sides of the veil. In short, if we believe in Jesus Christ, if we have faith in the attributes and promises of our Heavenly Parents, and if we believe and act in faith according to promised blessings made possible through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, then we can rest assure that all is well.
Lehi, in the middle of his wilderness journey proclaimed that he had *already received* the promised land. We can claim our eternal blessings in the present as well!
If we believe we will be healed, whole, forgiven, with our deceased loved ones, and able to eternally progress in eternity, then we can experience the feelings of those things NOW. We can use an eye of faith and let our belief fill our hearts and minds and see that eternity includes now and now is filled with the truth of eternity!
Believe in eternity, believe your Savior... yes, we still have to endure to the end, but the promises can and will be experienced now if you truly believe.