He that ascended up on high,
as also he descended below all things,
in that he comprehended all things,
that he might be in all and
through all things,
the light of truth;
which truth shineth.
This is the light of Christ.
-D&C 88:6-7
My name is Tara Bennett. I am from Syracuse, Utah and currently live in Clinton, Utah. I am a wife and a mother of two amazing kids.
The image is linked to my [outdated] personal blog, which gives more info than you could possibly want to know
about my sweet family:
my husband, Obadiah (Oby),
our daughter, Chloe,
and our son, Samuel (Sam).
I know Jesus is the Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I have felt the effects of the grace which flows from His infinite and eternal atonement.
He has met me in many moments on my knees to bring forgiveness, perspective, comfort, hope, and much more.
This blog flows from the love and
testimony I have of Him and
His mortal mission as well as my desire to
follow Him as He has asked.
I used to be on Instagram as truth__shines and before that as lds_moreholinessgiveme.
So don't be surprised when you see those names on many images, as I've transferred many of the images and posts to this site.
Let me clarify that though I write confidently about
my understandings, thoughts, and opinions about
I most certainly am not a scholar or an authority. However, I am a student of the scriptures and strive to learn through the gift of the Holy Ghost. I am not noteworthy in the world or in my congregation. However, I am a daughter of God. I know Him, I love Him and I am confident in and have experienced abundantly the love He and my Heavenly Mother have for me​
and know that love reaches out to all of Their children.
This blog is a documentation of impressions I receive as I live life peering through the lens of Christ's restored gospel and His teachings. I believe that a broad discovery of truth includes a mental pursuit as well as an awareness of the divinity within and around us. I strive wholeheartedly to not just read and get information about the gospel and complete the recommended tasks, but to undergo true repentance, conversion, and spiritual growth along the way. Instead of succumbing to certainty, I strive to reside in inquiry, allowing light to pierce the shadows of my understanding. The process for me has become an adventure as I clumsily dance around subjects, gaining new insights and perspectives.
I do not stop searching until I experience the insights in mind, body, and spirit, as
the truth reflects upon my senses and SHINES,
reflecting the Light of the World.
I have found that when I choose to not put my beliefs in a box,
they become portals that expand and brighten.
I invite anyone who happens to read my words to share thoughts, ask questions, and learn with me as we deepen our understanding and experience of the infinite and beautiful truths of eternity.